These are projects that have recently been awarded funding by POST.
It is an incredibly difficult decision to decide which applications to support from the many we receive each month, but we try to pick those that will have the biggest impact with what little money we can give.
And now, we are delighted to announce our first round of project funding, after having to suspend our activities due to COVID 19.
October 2021
- WOLIDEVE, Uganda
500 GBP - 10,000 litre water tank for a community hospital - GOLDEN FOOTPRINTS FOUNDATION, Ghana
750 GBP - community clinic and toilet block - RWAE, Uganda
450 GBP - renovation of three classrooms and clean water supply - FOWACE, Libera
863 GBP - tools and seedlings for a community garden
February 2020
- Prime Initiatives, Ghana
800 GBP to supply 30 ‘dual’ desks for 180 primary school pupils - Youth and Women for Sustainable Development, Uganda
600 GBP to repair a water borehole as nearest alternative supply is a swamp 2 hours’ walk away
December 2019
- Association des Jeunes Travailleurs des Sexes, Democratic Republic of Congo.
1600 USD for solar power for a health centre.
October 2019
- Pamodzi Rainbow Network, Zimbabwe
685 USD for Training disabled people in fish farming - MountZion Welfare Organisation, Ghana
1000 GBP for Construction of 3 boreholes and 10 water storage tanks for a village of 15,000 people - SRCDO, Uganda
300 USD for Training 40 orphans and their caregivers in cabbage cultivation
August 2019
- Women Arises Association, Uganda
600 GBP to repair a deep well water supply - Topping Crue Foundation, Zambia
560 GBP towards transport of tools and complete community school - Give Opportunity Global, Uganda
500 GBP to complete construction of 3 classrooms
June 2019
- Pamudzi youth For Development (PAYFD)
1000 GBP for banana crops & reforestation in Malawi - Rwenzori United Group for Life Improvement (RUGLI)
500 GBP for school desks in Uganda - Happy Youth Development Association (HYDA)
900 GBP for water sanitation in Uganda
April 2019
500 GBP for library textbooks - Nsugeni Community Based Organization, Zambia
500 GBP for sewing project - Prime Initiatives, Ghana
500 GBP for furniture for clinic - WOMEN AND YOUTH AGAINST POVERTY, Cameroon
500 GBP for - poultry farming
January 2019
- Asset Trust, India
300 GBP for 50 children’s school equipment - Rubirizi Women Association for Empowerment, Uganda
600 GBP for a toilet block - Rural People Development Society, India
500 GBP for Bore well serving 12,000 people
November 2018
- Divine Action Rural Dev
450 GBP for education equipment in Uganda - Ecological Balance
450 GBP for forest garden in Cameroon
September 2018
- Action For Change, Cameroon
500 GBP for textbooks & furniture for a school library - Youth and Women Initiative for Sustainable Development, Uganda
500 GBP for new roofing for 6 classrooms
August 2018
- Girl Smile Rwanda Association, Rwanda
800 GBP for school vegetable gardens - Skilling for Rural Communities, Uganda
600 GBP for 10,000 litre water tank - Foundation for woman and children empowerment, Liberia
600 GBP for a women’s gardening and agricultural project
May 2018
- Raise33, India
600 GBP for repairing three bore hole wells - AWODES, Uganda
600 GBP for boys and girls sanitary pad making and education in hygiene. - NAWODE, Uganda
500 GBP for kitchen gardens for 50 women - OGBUERI, Nigeria
333 GBP for poultry including vaccinations
March 2018
500 GBP for the construction of a 3-classroom school building for the children of a poor farming community - BUDDHA OUTCAST SOCIAL SOCIETY, Tamil Nadu, India
500 GBP to purchase 10,000 fruit tree seedlings to be planted throughout 10 villages affected by drought and global warming - MSICHANA MWAFRIKA AGENDA, a women’s group in Kenya
500 GBP to construct a fodder silo and equipment for a dairy farm
January 2018
- CCDR (Centre for Child Development and Research, Malawi
950 GBP to fund the building of a classroom and provide teaching materials and a first aid box in Mponela district
November 2017
- Sain Tus Center NG, Mongolia
600 GBP for 30 families seeds and tool - PEAS (Peoples Educational Awareness Service) Trust, Tamil Nadu, India
600 GBP for millet and pulse production - BARWODA (Bayira Rural Womens Development Association), Uganda
600 GBP to set up a project for poor women to produce fuel briquettes